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Nancy  is a  french town  located in  Lorraine.

We have drawn a selection of the most beautiful monuments in the city!


The Porte de la Craffe, the Basilica of Saint-Epvre, the Arc Héré, the Place Stanislas, the Amphitrite Fountain, the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Annunciation and the Villa Majorelle.


Passionate about art and architecture, Stanislas Leszczynski transformed Nancy by building the three squares classified as World Heritage by UNESCO since 1983. Pedestrianized in 2005, the Stanislas square is one of the most beautiful squares in the world.


Dimensions: 35  x 24  cm - thickness 1.8 cm

Made and designed in France in Orléans (45)

Wood: Hevea

Nancy - large aperitif board

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